Featuring the orchids of the Yarra River catchment, the paintings and text are arranged in order of flowering time. A note on conservation and historical background accompanies the colour plates. As an aid to identification of habitat, the fruits, buds and leaves of most of the eucalyupt species occurring in the region are also illustrated. A Year of Orchids starts with the spring.
The exceptional talents of three artists and two botanists have been combined in the production of a volume which will stand alone as an orchid art folio and an authoriative dissertation on the biology of the orchids of the Yarra Valley. Clifton Pugh has captured the essence and charm of over forty orchids in twenty-eight superb colour plates. The Beardsell brothers, Cam and David, have provided a text to match. Their writing brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience of these fascinating plants. Associated with the text are beautiful and accurate line drawings by Dailan Pugh, Adriane Strampp and David Beardsell, all of which will contribute greatly to the ease of identification.
This publication is limited to 1500 copies.
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PUGH, Clifton Text by BEARDSELL, Campbell & David Drawings by PUGH, Dailan; STRAMPP, Adriane & BEARDSELL, David